Supe Arts, Science and Commerce College Supe
Tal - Baramati, Dist- Pune - 412204 (Maharashtra) India .

Welcome To Geography Department
About Department

The Department of Geography was started in 2018, and M.A./M.Sc. Geography began in the year 2021. Staff members do research on a wide range of topics that show the breadth and relevance of the field. They use a variety of methods and techniques from the field, the lab, and the library.
The faculty of Geography at College makes new knowledge and theories about the spatial system and shares them with students. One of these is the study of both physical and human geography. At different levels of undergraduate and graduate school, methods and how systems work together are taught. We are committed to making and sharing geographical knowledge in all of its rich and varied forms. We try to use this information in the right way. We do research, teach, and do community service in a way that is relevant to both theoretical and real-world problems, and we try to be the best at what we do.For graduate and postgraduate courses, the department has a lot of good infrastructure. Geography is an important elective at the undergraduate level in the Arts Faculty and at the graduate level in both the Science Faculty and the Arts Faculty. We offer M.A./M.Sc. courses for people who want to learn more, with a focus on geomorphology.
Undergraduate Course
Name of The Programme- B.A. Geography
Duration -3 Years Credit and Semester based
Postgraduate Course
Name of The Programme-M.A./M.Sc. Geography
Duration- 2 Years (Credit System)